New pieces of the puzzle; Introducing handyman and painting services in response to popular demand from you our wonderful Houston customers.
New HES Services Offered
For years our customers have entrusted Home Exterior Systems with giving them a brand new house at the same old address. Our sweet spot has been replacing windows, siding, and roofs or adding covered patios to their homes. While that sweet spot isn’t changing, we have noticed that our customers have additional unmet needs, sort of like a puzzle missing pieces. Great news: we have found those pieces! It is with great joy we begin offering painting and handyman services.
Painting Services
Just like you might consider updating your wardrobe periodically, many homeowners find that the paint colors selected years ago may not fit current trends. Painting offers customers the opportunity to see significant changes and keep their home looking fresh.
Handyman Services
Additionally, many of our customers have a to-do list that they would like completed but do not have the time or know-how to complete it. Projects like gutter cleaning, adding weather stripping, small siding repairs, or power washing can be done quickly and professionally by our handyman team.
You Asked For It And We Listened
We are excited that these new offerings allow us to continue serving you. We always love hearing from past customers. Give us a call and let us know what is on the top of your to-do list!