Following CDC, State, County Safety Recommendations
Dear Neighbors and Friends,
Right now, it is July 8, 2020, and it is difficult to find anybody unaffected by the surge in COVID cases in our Greater Houston service area; Home Exterior Systems is no exception.
Many of our team members have high-risk family members and we continue to follow mandated guidelines in effect.
We’re Working Hard, Practicing Safety First
While HES is open and operating, it is far from business as usual. Our Project Managers are working hard to keep the crews safe, staffed, and on schedule. That is a considerable challenge. At times, the Project Managers must fill-in for self-isolating crew members. The result of this is that our Project Managers are VERY busy meeting the needs of customers and their ongoing projects.
Proposal and Process Delays Possible
Your safety and that of our team is our highest priority. We appreciate your understanding in the unusual event that we slip in our scheduling of your project. We’re not making excuses, but instead sharing the reality of the challenge before us.
Thank You For Your Patience
We feel we must do everything we can to keep everyone safe. This virus continues to challenge us all. Please call us at any time. We value you!
Pat, Vicky, & Caleb McCollim
July 8, 2020